Design Inspiration
Staring into this closet of stuff, Buddha feels uncertain about what to do next. This is a sure sign of being stuck, leading to increased feelings of hopelessness and sadness. Do you ever open a storage closet, cabinet drawer, garden shed, and feel the same way?
Note the shape of the room; where does the natural light come in, or does it not. What is the way you enter and exit the room, we call this the path of travel. Is there more than one path of travel? Let's consider these key design ideas.
What is Hygge? First, it's not one thing. It's many pieces and parts: it's a design style, it's a lifestyle, and it's also a psychological state. What I most connect Hygge with is the words surrounding it: comfort, peace, and connection. I resonate with these words, so whatever Hygge is, it must be something generally good, right?
Over time, I’ve learned not to attach to things. You can love them and enjoy them but there is a sense of impermanence as well. Life is not permanent nor are our cherished possessions. Our homes are dwellings that likely existed long before us and may exist long after us as well. They are not “ours.” They are merely sharing time and space with us, providing pleasure and functionality.
Do you ever feel in a rut? Need a little something to ignite some extra energy into you mood? The cure might be as simple as extra focus on a bedroom, a family room or a work space. Let’s look at how to take one room and use that to recharge your human battery.
Creating the Art of Home is not just about designs, interiors and decorating. It’s also dabbling into our inner being and wellness too. Bringing both inner and outer worlds together in that place we call home. To create that space, we have to find inspiration, design and create, then embrace it all. This Tiny Home idea started in an unlikely place: Florence Italy.